Monday, May 20, 2013

Retro Cherry nails!

So, I really love the look of big white spots against red and black so when I'm in a bit of a slump, this is my go-to mani. I used Sinful Colors Go Go Girl, an L.A Colors no name black and green polish, and Sinful Colors Snow Me White. The most asked question I get when I do spots is "How do you get them so uniform?!" so a tutorial is coming your way later in the week! 

I really hope you like them! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013


So my mother has finally convinced me to start a nail polish blog! I've only been doing nail art for about 10 months, so you and I will be learning together. I've always had a sort of fondness for nail polish, but it really kind of started in 8th grade when my grandmother bought us a rainbow set of maybe 6 or 7 polishes. I was so excited, I painted my nails a different color every week for the whole school year! Then I started using two colors (even though I didn't know what accent nails were at the time) and one boring summer afternoon, I sat down and painted some blue polka dots over a french manicure. The tips were sloppy and I only used a toothpick, but I really loved it! For the rest of the summer, I experimented with lots of simple designs, most of the time drawing my inspiration from YouTube videos. I would post them on Instagram, and then on Reddit, and now here! 

I've always loved DIY and fashion, but there was that little voice in the back of my head that kept saying, "It's cool, but you could never do it." So for years and years I watched nail art tutorials and never attempted anything beyond a solid color. There are probably thousands of people in the same situation as I was, so I'm hoping this blog will help some of them realize that it's not as hard as they think!  All you have to do is sit down at your kitchen table, crank up some music, and get started. 

And for anyone reading this and thinking, "My nails are too short for this", get rid of that mentality right now! My nails used to be the epitome of short. My neighbor once offered to give my sister and I manicures, but she couldn't even try mine because my nails were too short! Start painting your nails anyway and every time you get the urge to bite, try and think about how pretty they'll look once they grow out. It will definitely take some time for you to break the habit completely, but it'll be worth it when a stranger stops you at the mall, points at your hand and asks, "Are those your real nails??" If you have trouble with brittle or thin nails, treat yourself to a quality base coat and topcoat that are designed to strengthen weak nails. Also, over time I think my nails have gotten stronger because I wasn't constantly tearing them off! I haven't looked much into this, but I remember my nails being thin and weak, but for some reason they've gotten a lot thicker. So much so that it's a little difficult to clip them now! 

Ack, this is getting a little long winded >.> 

TL;DR This is going to be a place where you're not afraid to try stuff out. Welcome to my blog and thank you for reading! :D 

Oh yeah, and my name is Cydney, if you haven't guessed yet! I'm 16 years old and like chocolate, nail polish, and long walks on the beach.